

探索機能について - Details about the exploration function

Edited: 13th March 2016


Since the last update, we've all been sending out our characters on adventures to bring home goodies but have you wondered about criteria brings about the "探索UP!" symbol?




I've compiled a list of what each area seems to ask of you to make it easier to sift through your characters. I'm also translating off images I find online.




城砦 // Fortress

迷宮山脈 // Maze Pass

古代遺跡 // Ancient Ruins

世界樹 // World Tree


Criteria for increasing the search rate (changes daily)


Job Class

  • 騎士が大活躍の予感 - Intuition suggests that knights may be very helpful down this route.
  • 戦士が大活躍の予感 - Intuition suggests that soldiers may be very helpful down this route.
  • 僧侶が大活躍の予感 - Intuition suggests that healers may be very helpful down this route.
  • 弓使いが大活躍の予感 - Intuition suggests that archers may be very helpful down this route.
  • 魔法使いが大活躍の予感 - Intuition suggests that mages may be very helpful down this route.

Weapon type

  • <斬>武器に弱い魔物が多いみたい  - It seems like many enemies here are weak to swords.
  • <打>武器に弱い魔物が多いみたい - It seems like many enemies here are weak to axes.
  • <突>武器に弱い魔物が多いみたい  - It seems like many enemies here are weak to spears.
  • <弓>武器に弱い魔物が多いみたい  - It seems like many enemies here are weak to bows and arrows.
  • <魔>武器に弱い魔物が多いみたい  - It seems like many enemies here are weak to wands.

Area of origin

  • 副都に詳しいと有利だよ - You're better off if you use someone who knows the Vice Capital well.
  • 聖都に詳しいと有利だよ - You're better off if you use someone who knows the Holy Capital well.
  • 賢者の塔に詳しいと有利だよ - You're better off if you use someone who knows Sage's Tower well.
  • 迷宮山脈に詳しいと有利だよ - You're better off if you use someone who knows Maze Pass well. (The wording may be off here because I've forgotten what exactly it said :/)
  • 湖都に詳しいと有利だよ - You're better off if you use someone who knows Lake of Sand well.
  • 精霊島に詳しいと有利だよ - You're better off if you use someone who knows Soul Island well.

This list does not include exploration events.


Version 2.6.4 update:

The level of your character now has an effect on exploration in the sense that a higher level can take down a greater number of enemies.


Slight increase in rewards received

  • 上々の成果をあげた! (Character) has done their best!
  • うまく戦闘を避けられた! (Character) has evaded enemies well!
  • 楽に成果を出せた! (Character) has achieved success with ease!
  • 危なげなくやり遂げた! (Character) completed the mission without encoutering any danger!

Increase in rewards received

  • 危機を切り抜けた! (Character) has battled fiercely through danger
  • 苦労が報われた! (Character)'s struggles have paid off!
  • 幸運が重なった! (Character) had great luck!
  • 思いがけない発見をした! (Character) uncovered treasures beyond their wildest imaginations!
  • 手強い魔物を倒した!(Character) took down a formidable magical creature!
  • 直感が冴えていた! (Character)'s intuition was on point!

Slight increase in experience received

  • 魔物に遭遇した! (Character) encountered magical creatures!

Increase in experence received

  • 戦いの連続だった! (Character) engaged in battle continuously!
  • 魔物相手に活躍した! (Character) took down multiple magical creatures!



  • Does rarity/level affect the exploration process?

Yes (generally speaking). The level of your character tends to affect the number of enemies taken down and, therefore, raise either the number of items gained or the EXP gained.

The rarity of your character does not directly influence exploration except maybe the maximum level your character can be. 

  • Does job class have an effect?

Yes it can! As mentioned above, the units you send can increase item collection rate if they show (探索UP!).

  • What does the 探索UP! symbol actually mean?

This symbol means that if you dispatch these characters, you have a higher chance of bringing back more items.

  • What happens if the 探索UP! condition changes overnight?

Even if the condition changes overnight, you will still have the same chance of bringing back more items for that turn. 

  • Does length of exploration have an effect (3 hours or 8 hours)?

8 hours tends to bring back more than 3 hours but it seems to be a marginal difference. For this reason, most players tend to use the 3 hour exploration during the day and 8 hour before going to bed. 

  • What does each success status give?

超成功: up to ★5 growth arcana, A rank weapons, SP tickets, etc

大成功: up to ★3 growth arcana, B rank weapons, premium tickets, etc

成功: up to ★2 growth arcana, C rank weapons,