

英雄伝説 空の軌跡SCxチェンクロコラボイベ「出会い、そして」のイベントミッションを英訳してみました - Translation of the Legend of Heroes x CCJP event missions


Held until the 21st January (Thursday) 14:59 GMT9+

Collection of rewards is by the 22nd January (Friday) 14:59 GMT9+

ミッション名 クリア報酬  

Event 1: 空の軌跡SCイベントクエスト制覇

Completion of all Legend of Heroes, Trails in the Sky event quests

Aura Fencer (sword) x1 Complete quests 「出会い、そして」,「君を探して」,「蛇たちの遊戯」 and「再会」 

Event 2: 怪盗Bの挑戦状の制覇

Completion of Phantom B's challenge

SSR Joshua x1 Complete all of Phantom B's challenges

Event 3: イベントクエスト&怪盗Bの挑戦状をクリア

Completion of the event quests and Phantom B's challenges

SSR Joshua x1 Complete the missions 「空の軌跡SCイベントクエスト制覇」 and 「怪盗Bの挑戦状の制覇

Event 4: ナイトメア・ノーコンティニュ

Nightmare・ No continue

The golden demon sword "Kernviter Complete the nightmare quest without using a revival stone


There should be one more event quest coming soon so I will update this soon

Another copy of SSR Joshua is obtainable through the Exploration (探索) event,「再会」quest and by completing SR Joshua's character quest. 



『怪盗Bの挑戦状』Spoilers ahead!!


Clue 1: "主"に付添いし都に向かえ 

Head to the city that is next in command after the leader


Location: 副都  - "Vice" capital


Clue 2: 黒き者たちの住処に向かえ

Head to the home to those of the black army


Location: 魔の山 - Mystic Mountains


Clue 3: 聖より『離』に位置する村に向かえ

Head to the village "hidden away" beyond the Holy Capital


Location: はなれの村 - Hideaway Village (will amend if my interpretation is off)