

バージョンアップ2.6.4について ~About the new update (2.6.4)



Lock your favourite weapons!


With this new update, you are now able to lock weapons that have been equipped on your character.



Image translation: If you tap the button, it'll lock your weapon!

  1. When you select the weapon you want, a lock button will appear.
  2. Tap the Lock button 


Things to keep in mind


  • Although you will be unable to evolve a locked weapon, you will be able to enhance it as per usual.
  • Even if you lock a weapon, you will be able to switch to your other weapon slots.
  • To remove the lock, tap the Lock button again.

Kizuna abilities will be viewable from the character info page

※ The kizuna ability will be viewable for those who have completed up to the third chapter of the first book.





Image translation: 

  1. Tap the kizuna button 
  2. You will be able to read the kizuna details here


Update to selling items in the present box


As soon as you collect an item from the present box, you will have the option to sell it immediately. 


Also, for any weapon arcana collected, you will have the option to immediately forge it.


Furthermore, a new sorting function has been added to the present box .


Image translation:




  1. After you collect arcana from the present box, the "sell" button (売却) will appear on the right side of the screen.
  2. When you tap the sell button, you will be redirected to the selling screen where only the characters you have just collected will appear.


Things to keep in mind...

  • Arcana you have not collected will be moved to your reserve deck.

Character quest shortcut function

A shortcut to your incomplete character quests will now be available on the main screen.






Image translation:

  1. Press the おすすめ情報 tab →キャラクタークエスト (character quest) banner. Alternatively, a shortcut will also be present on the map screen.
  2. If you have any incomplete character quests, they will be available here.
  3. by pressing on a character, you will be transported to the appropriate area of the map.

You will also be able to sort the quests by characteristics (quest type, rarity, tavern of origin)



From top left column

ソート (sort)

名前順 - by order of name

レアリティ順 - by order of rarity (高い - high 低い - low)


フィルター (filter)

タイプ - type (覚醒 - awaken ability アイテム - item)  

レアリティ - rarity

所属 - area of origin 

義勇団 - Volunteer Army

副都 - Vice Capital

聖都 - Holy Capital

賢者の塔 - Sage's Tower

湖都 - Lake of Sand

精霊島 - Spirit Island

九領 - Nine Territories

ケ者の大陸 - Beast Continent


Things to consider...

  • If you have no incomplete quests at this point in time, the banner will not be visible.
  • If your character has not reached the level required to unlock the quest, it will not appear under this shortcut.
  • If you have not unlocked the map area where the quest is located, the quest will be inaccessible until you do.

Favourite friends feature

The favourite friends feature has been added to the friends tab.

This prevents you from accidentally unfriending.



Image translation: 

To register your friend as a favourite, press the heart-shaped button. To remove them from your friendslist, press the button labelled "解除" (cancel) underneath the heart. 


Things to consider...

  • In order to remove your friend from the list, you must first remove them as a favourite before pressing "解除"
  • If you add a user as your favourite, they will not be notified
  • If your friend removes you from their list, they will automatically be taken off yours REGARDLESS of whether you have them favourited or not.

Other updates

  • When you sort friend's leaders by ATK, the new value will also include their weapon's stats (rather than just the leader's base ATK + kizuna bonus)
  • Upon finishing exploration, you will now be able to view the numer of monsters your character has defeated. This will affect the amount of EXP gained. Additionally, the higher your character's level, the easier it is to increase the number of monsters defeated.
  • You will be able to view the number of gacha coins you have left on the tavern main page.

Keep your transfer ID password safe


Please be sure to transfer ID before initiating an OS or game update.


In addition to when you switch devices, it is helpful to transfer your ID/password so that you are prepared if the event that there are unforseen problems during maintenance or when there is a version update.


You can select a password through menu (メニュー) → transfer ID (引き続きID)


This password is valid for 180 days. After this period, your password will become invalid so please transfer your ID again.


Please do not show or tell a third party your ID or password.


You may have your account stolen amongst other problems.