


(21/03/16-27/03/16) Weekly missionの英訳 - Weekly mission translation

My internet was being dodgy so here's the belated weekly mission post! Weekly Mission 僧侶で10回とどめを刺せ! Deal the final blow with a cleric 達成度: 〇/10 Level of completion: 〇/10 報酬: 精霊石 x1 Reward: Prysma x1

(14/03/16-20/03/16) Weekly missionの英訳 - Weekly mission translation

Weekly Mission 戦士戦闘訓練 Soldier combat training 達成度: 〇/20 Level of completion: 〇/20 報酬: 精霊石 x1 Reward: Prysma x1

(7/03/16-13/03/16) Weekly missionの英訳 - Weekly mission translation

Weekly Mission 雪山戦闘訓練 Snowy mountain terrain combat training 達成度: 〇/5 Level of completion: 〇/5 報酬: 精霊石 x1 Reward: Prysma x1

(29/02/16-6/03/16) Weekly missionの英訳 - Weekly mission translation

Weekly Mission 洞窟戦闘訓練 Cave terrain combat training 達成度: 〇/5 Level of completion: 〇/5 報酬: 精霊石 x1 Reward: Prysma x1

(22/02/16-28/02/16) Weekly missionの英訳 - Weekly mission translation

Weekly Mission 砂漠戦闘訓練 Desert terrain combat training 達成度: 〇/3 Level of completion: 〇/3 報酬: 精霊石 x1 Reward: Prysma x1

(15/02/16-21/02/16) Weekly missionの英訳 - Weekly mission translation

Weekly Mission 3マナを5回揃えろ Align 3 mana in the mana roulette x5 達成度: 〇/1 Level of completion: 〇/5 報酬: 精霊石 x1 Reward: Prysma x1

(08/02/16-14/02/16) Weekly missionの英訳 - Weekly mission translation

Weekly Mission 曜日クエストの宝箱を全て揃えろ Collect all chests from a daily quest 達成度: 〇/1 Level of completion: 〇/1 報酬: 精霊石 x1 Reward: Prysma x1

(01/02/16-07/02/16) Weekly missionの英訳 - Weekly mission translation

Weekly Mission 平原戦闘訓練 Plain terrain combat training 達成度: 〇/5 Level of completion: 〇/5 報酬: 精霊石 x1 Reward: Prysma x1

(25/01/16-31/01/16) Weekly missionの英訳 - Weekly mission translation

Weekly Mission 戦場戦闘訓練 Battlefield terrain combat training 達成度: 〇/30 Level of completion: 〇/30 報酬: プレミアムチケット x1 Reward: Premium ticket x1

(11/01/18-17/01/24) Weekly missionの英訳 - Weekly mission translation

Weekly Mission 森林戦闘訓練 Forest terrain combat training 達成度: 〇/5 Level of completion: 〇/5 報酬: 精霊石 x1 Reward: Prysma x1

(11/01/16-17/01/16) Weekly missionの英訳 - Weekly mission translation

I've been requested to do a weekly mission translation series so here's the first installment. I would appreciate any feedback on formatting so leave me a message and I'll get back to you! Weekly Mission 雪山戦闘訓練 Snowy mountain terrain…