

Still alive and kicking :P

I'm so sorry for disappearing without much notice, I've been really busy with volunteer work for TIMA over the weekend. (4am starts every day really messed with my routine and I ran out of data so that was fun.. >___<") It was a really good cause, though, so I might make a post about it for awareness.


I'm waiting for the livestream or an account of the Fan Appreciation Festival livestream to appear online so please be patient with me! 


Update: i just found this account so I'll either translate the whole article or post up the main highlights.


【セガネ感謝祭2015】「チェインクロニクル Fes'15」をレポート!今井麻美さん、大坪由佳さん、村川梨衣さんらが生ライブ|Gamer